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A Synopsis of the Spring Quarter (March - May 2025) Bible Study Lessons.

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Take a peek below at what's coming up this quarter!

Quarter At A Glance

by Editorial Staff

The themes of worship, sacrifices, and offerings run through the Scriptures. Grasping the sacrifices and offerings of the old covenant is essential to our understanding of the New Testament’s presentation of Christ’s sacrifice. This quarter will explore sacrifice and worship in the Old Testament and what the New Testament has to say about sacrifice and worship under the new covenant.


Tabernacle, Sacrifices, and Atonement

The first unit of lessons covers parts of Exodus and Leviticus that describe the system of sacrifices and offerings that created a holy people and a place for the presence of the Lord. On Mount Sinai, the Lord decreed to Moses that the Old Testament covenant people are “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Exodus 19:6; see lesson 1). The Lord gave the people specific instructions for constructing a sanctuary known as the tabernacle, which contained “the Holy Place [and] the Most Holy Place” (26:33; see lesson 2). In the tabernacle (and, later, the temple), burnt offerings were presented to the Lord, following the expectations that he gave to the people (Leviticus 1:3–17; see lesson 4).
Not only did the Lord consecrate specific places, but he also consecrated specific people for a particular service. For example, from among the people, priests were chosen and ordained to officiate at the altar (Exodus 29:1–9, 35–37; see lesson 3).


Christ’s All-Sufficient Sacrifice

The second unit turns to New Testament texts that explore the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice. The book of Hebrews contrasts the annual sacrifices of the Law of Moses—a law that is “a shadow of the good things that are coming” (Hebrews 10:1)—with Jesus’ once-for-all sacrifice (10:11–14; etc.; see lesson 6). The seventh lesson of the quarter comes from the epistles of John, where the author describes the love of God revealed by his sending of his Son “as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” (1 John 4:10).
Christ’s resurrection on the third day confirms his sacrifice on the cross. Lesson 8 examines the details surrounding Christ’s death and resurrection as told by the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 27:39–40, 45–54; 28:1–10). Christ is the glorious Lamb who was slain and whose blood has “purchased” us for God (Revelation 5:9; see lesson 9). Therefore, even in the throne room of Heaven, the glorious Lamb is declared “worthy”!


Special Offerings and the Sanctuary

The final unit looks at the unique relationship between the sanctuary and offerings or sacrifices. King David’s choices led him to bear responsibility for his sin (1 Chronicles 21:14–30; see lesson 10). An angel of the Lord spoke through the prophet Gad and told David to “build an altar to the Lord on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite” (21:18). David refused to accept a gift from Arunah for a sacrifice because David would not “sacrifice a burnt offering that costs … nothing” (21:24).
Lesson 11 will consider the dedication of Solomon’s temple and the lavish sacrifices that took place as part of that ceremony (2 Chronicles 7:1–7). However, after the people were exiled to Babylon, that temple was left in shambles. The foundation of a new temple would need to be laid by the people who had returned from exile. When the foundation of that temple was laid, the people celebrated the goodness of God, proclaiming that “his love … endures forever” (Ezra 3:11; see lesson 12).
The quarter concludes with recounting the people’s covenant renewal and their pledge to observe the commands of the Law of Moses and reject the abuse and neglect of the house of God (Nehemiah 10:28–39; see lesson 13).


Spring -2025

Unit 1: Tabernacle, Sacrifices, and Atonement

Lesson 1- March 2 - A Kingdom of Priests, A Holy Nation - Exodus 19:1–14

Lesson 2 - March 9 - A Space for God - Exodus 25:1–9; 26:1, 31–37

Lesson 3 - March 16 - The Ordination of Priests - Exodus 29:1–9, 35–37

Lesson 4 - March 23 - Offering a Sweet Aroma to God - Leviticus 1:3–17

Lesson 5 - March 30 - The Day of Atonement - Leviticus 16:11–19


Unit 2: Christ’s All-Sufficient Sacrifice

Lesson 6 - April 6 - Christ’s Once-for-All Sacrifice – Heb. 9:23–10:4, 11–14, 19–25

Lesson 7 - April 13 - Christ, the Atoning Sacrifice - 1 John 2:1–6; 4:9–17

Lesson 8 - April 20 - Christ Dies & Rises to New Life – Matt. 27:39,40,45–54; 28:1–10.

Lesson 9 - April 27 - The Lamb Is Worthy - Revelation 5:1–10


Unit 3: Special Offerings and the Sanctuary

Lesson 10 - May 4 - David’s Sacrifice - 1 Chronicles 21:14–30

Lesson 11 - May 11 - Solomon Dedicates the Temple - 2 Chronicles 7:1–7, 11

Lesson 12 - May 18 - Worship Is Restored - Ezra 3:1–6, 10–13

Lesson 13 - May 25 - A Covenant Renewal - Nehemiah 10:28–39


  Diligent study of these lessons will not only bless you spiritually, but also aid you in discovering God's plan for your own life.

-John Alva Owston

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