Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Quiz - Week 50

1. Where was Abraham buried?

Hint: (Genesis 25:8-10)

A- Gerar

B- Field near Bethlehem

C- The Desert of Haran

D- In the cave of Machpelah

2. Who said: "I cried out to the Lord because of my affliction, And He answered me. Out of the belly of Sheol I cried, And You heard my voice."

Hint: (Jonah 2:2)

A- Job

B- Jonah

C- Joshua

D- Jeremiah

3. Where was the lame man that Peter healed when he was on his way to the temple to pray?

Hint: (Acts 3:2)

A- In the porch of the temple

B- Outside the city gate, sitting with the lepers

C- By the pool at Bethesda

D- At the gate of the temple called Beautiful

4. Who were the two other men that traveled to Corinth with Titus?

Hint: (2 Corinthians 8:16-22)

A- They are not named

B- Barnabas and Silas

C- Mark and Luke

D- Apollos and Cephas

5. What was the occupation of Simon, who believed the word that Philip preached and was baptized?

Hint: (Acts 8:9-13)

A- potter

B- coppersmith

C- sorcerer

D- tentmaker

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